Don't Hate Just Play
Bringing Communities Together
Anti-hate workshops: 4
Workshop participants: 232
CSM London and East Ham Inter Sessions: 44
Session participants: 80
CSM Foundation was awarded £3,500 by Near Neighbours to deliver a football programme that promotes a message of community cohesion and anti-hate, whilst promoting physical activity amongst diverse ethnic and religious groups.
CSM London FC and East Ham Inter FC worked alongside local engagement officers from the Metropolitan Police to deliver anti-hate workshops at 4 Redbridge schools. These sessions also promoted the football sessions delivered by both grassroots clubs.
The football sessions were designed for 14-16 year olds who were signposted from the school workshop sessions and delivered by expert coaches promoting a social atmosphere for all participants. Local statistics have reported that racial hate crime has risen by 143% in the last 10 years, and religious hate crime by 140% in the same time period. With 9% of youth services been cut locally in the last 5 years, this project aimed to plug the gap by providing an atmosphere of positive community spirit through these sessions.
Football wase used to help create strong social bonds and unite communities with a team-game idea highlighting core concepts of togetherness and unity, despite our racial or religious differences. Through CSM London and East Ham Inter, this programme accessd a large range of individuals from diverse background who benefitted from a programme like this.
To find out more about Near Neighbours and how their work helps to bring people together head over to their website. Don’t forget to also check out East Ham Inter via their Twitter page.
For more details on Don’t Hate, Just Play and other projects you could get your organisation involved in, please contact anees@centricsm.com